Hi everyone! And welcome to my blog: Como Se Llama? I hope you follow me as I head off to Peru this summer and as I work towards completing my thesis for Anthropology. Thanks!


I am supposed to leave for Peru in 14 days and I just lost my wallet containing all means of identification (except my passport, which I have) and I never received conformation from the domestic airline that will take me from Lima to Andahuaylas. Awesome!

Travel preperation takes a lot more than I thought!

1 comment to Uh-oh

  • Stephanie

    Definitely…If you haven’t already, make copies of your passport, travelers cheques and credit cards if you are using any of them and keep them somewhere safe. Also, what I just did for my trip is-use a folder and print out all your confirmations and have them at hand for proof of them, I also made a digital copies of all my confirmations on my thumbdrive. You should call the airline though and ask for an emailed confirmation on skype or something.It should be cheap if you prepay maybe $3 on it. Long enough for you to ask. I just paid a little over a $1 for a 20 min call to my parents. Planning is really important. While I do suggest having a calmness about you before & whilst traveling, you also should be really vigilant and prepare in a paranoid sort of sense if you know what I mean–just so you know you’ll be okay if anything happens.